Mauritius Local Florist
​​+230 54753238
Safe Payment
Nothing compares to the joy of receiving fresh flowers. 
For some practical reasons all payments are made in £ (GBP) and processed through Paypal most secured payment system.
When you click on submit to send us your order, you are automatically redirected to Paypal for payment.You can either pay with your Paypal account or with your debit/credit cards.
As soon as we receive your payment we will confirm your order by mail.
Delivery Charges
We would be too proud to tell you that the Delivery is free. Unfortunately delivery involves additional costs including time.
Sometimes with traffic Jam delivery is quite painful specially with the quality of the roads in Mauritius.Nevertheless we deliver your flowers with a smile
Our delivery charges are based on 2 factors
1. Distance
2. Accessibility (traffic, road etc..)
We have our own delivery team. Each delivery is effected with the same pleasure, courtesy and discretion.
Check delivery charges